Day 91: Evidence from John Mitchell 08/03/2024 (am)
Evidence from PIRC witness John Mitchell.
Related evidence
COPFS-02768 (a) - Letter from Les Brown to Kate Frame 24/08/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
John Mitchell,
Kate Frame,
Keith Harrower,
Les Brown,
William Little,
PIRC-02151 (a) - Letter from Kate Frame to Calum Steele 25/06/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
John Mitchell,
Kate Frame,
PIRC-03726 - Incident Message 036 02/06/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
John Mitchell,
PIRC-04446 - PIRC operational model response to Article 2 investigations 01/03/2013
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Alistair Lewis,
John McSporran,
John Mitchell,
Kate Frame,
Keith Harrower,
William Little,
PIRC-04453 - Memorandum of understanding between COPFS and PIRC December 2013
Hearing date:
Witness name:
John McSporran,
John Mitchell,
Kate Frame,
Keith Harrower,
William Little,
PIRC-03694 - PIRC briefing note on death in custody 03/05/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Keith Harrower,
William Little,
PIRC-01445 - Final post mortem report 18/06/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Ashley Edwards,
Kerryanne Shearer,
Day 91: Evidence from John Mitchell 08/03/2024 (am)
SPF-00025 - Letter from Calum Steele to Kate Frame regarding officers' statements 05/06/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Kate Frame,
William Little,
PIRC-03710 - PIRC incident message 07/05/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
John Mitchell,
William Little,
COPFS-04609 - Copy of notebook minutes from meeting with PIRC 14/05/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Kate Frame,
PIRC-04154 - Operation Quoich policy log with attachments 03/05/2015 to 02/11/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
John McSporran,
John Mitchell,
Kate Frame,
PIRC-04457 - A guide for families on the role of the PIRC and family liaison officers
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Alistair Lewis,
John Mitchell,
COPFS-02557 - Letter from Les Brown to Kate Frame 02/09/2015
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Kate Frame,
Keith Harrower,
Les Brown,
William Little,
COPFS-02126 (a) - Briefing note to Justin Farrell 28/02/2020
Hearing date:
Witness name:
Ashley Edwards,
John Mitchell,
Kate Frame,