Chair's statement on terms of reference

In light of reporting of his discussion with the Deputy First Minister on the terms of reference, Lord Bracadale has issued a statement regarding this initial meeting with the Deputy First Minister.

Lord Bracadale said: “The families of Sheku Bayoh wrote to the Deputy First Minister seeking an extension of the Inquiry’s terms of reference to include the decision by the Lord Advocate not to prosecute. I did not seek an extension.

“As part of her consideration of the request by the families and in line with the Inquiries Act 2005, I was invited by the Deputy First Minister to discuss the request at an initial meeting on 5 September.

“In line with my stated intention to ensure transparency, my conversation with the Deputy First Minister was relayed to core participants.

“The decision on whether to extend the terms of reference is a matter for the Scottish Ministers. As I noted at the end of evidential hearings on 9 October, I would welcome a decision soon to provide certainty to the Inquiry and all core participants.”