Closing statement from the Chair

The Inquiry Chair, Lord Bracadale, closed evidential hearings with a statement on the next stage of the Inquiry and the terms of reference. 

Lord Bracadale said:

"This brings to an end the final scheduled hearing on evidence in the Sheku Bayoh Inquiry. Since May 2022 the Inquiry has held around 120 days of hearings on evidence as well as examining many statements from persons who did not give oral evidence. In addition, the Inquiry has ingathered and examined a great many documents.

The next stage of the Inquiry will be the closing submissions. The Inquiry has put in place a timetable for lodging and exchanging written submissions and has appointed a hearing for oral submissions beginning 3 December 2024.

I am aware that the Scottish Ministers have for some time been considering a request by the families of Sheku Bayoh to extend the terms of reference of the Inquiry.

In order to fulfil extended terms of reference the Inquiry would require to examine further evidence. Having regard to the stage that the Inquiry has reached, and the need for the Inquiry and all core participants to plan ahead, I would very much hope that the Scottish Ministers are able to reach a decision on this issue as soon as possible.

In any event, the Inquiry will continue with its current timetable, including the arrangements for closing submissions on the current terms of reference, which I have already outlined."