Inquiry publishes race and policing review

The Inquiry has published an overview of race and policing literature. 

The Contextual Literature Review, conducted by external counsel Chris Stephen, aims to provide core participants and the public with an overview of themes drawn from previous inquests, reviews, inquiries and research covering the subject of race and policing. Links to all documents referred to in the review will be provided.

While race has been integrated into every block of hearings, this standalone block, which runs from Tuesday 4 June to Friday 5 July*, will draw together evidential threads from previous hearings and set them in context for the Chair’s consideration. 

Mr Bayoh’s actual or perceived race is central to the Inquiry’s terms of reference

A list of issues, which outlines areas of enquiry to be led by counsel during the race hearings, has also been published.

All documents can be found in the Inquiry’s evidence library

*Evidence from Ashley Edwards KC on 4 and 5 June pertains to the previous block of hearings, on post-incident management by the COPFS.